One of The Last American Computer Companies

One of my other engagements is a company called StealthMachines which I founded while I was in high school 20 years ago. One of the creations of StealthMachines is the NightHawk.

Utilizing American steel, the NightHawk was designed, engineered, fabricated, prototyped, manufactured in-house by StealthMachines.

Raw steel’s origin defines it best. Everyone else had long since imported their chassis, which are the meat and potatoes of the computer. That made StealthMachines one of the last American computer companies.

Switching gears, the NightHawk project’s design was copied by an unlikely computer company - one that makes computers with wheels.

I hold the patent to prove it -

Would you like to know more?

For two years, the state of Colorado fined StealthMachines thousands of dollars concurrent with the timelines of Teller County Misconduct. Even though production was more or less dormant during this time because of the problems we faced in the article, we were simultaneously taxed into oblivion, under duress, and forced to dissolve after 20 years in business and reformulate. Both my personal and business accounts were drained to near-zero by Colorado under Jena Griswold and Jared Polis.

Is abetted voter fraud in Colorado rampant and could this effect the outcome? Nah, couldn’t be…

"When I was fabricating the NightHawk, there were certain bends my shop just couldn’t do. So we enlisted a precision sheet metal shop in Brighton, CO. After the first prototype rolled out, one of the employees there couldn’t stop staring at it. But it wasn’t done yet. I was trained in fabrication by the master himself, Doc, at CSU. So when I had about 20-30 changes that I wanted to make to the prototype instead of starting a new one, even the best precision sheet metal shop in the state gave me blank stares. They didn’t know how. But I knew how. Doc taught me. God taught me the rest, by giving me this mind and giving me the challenges necessary to anneal my mind into a fomentation. You see, even before I knew Yahushua, God was training me.


So I knew that metal could be manipulated in this way. I drew on the metal with the marker, I made the notes, but the precision sheet metal shop didn’t know how.
I love the attached video because it is proof of concept. It shows that metal is in fact clay, if you will. The thinner the metal, the harder it is to work with in some ways, the more like clay it is in others. The sky is the limit.
I never did get to make the final version of the NightHawk. Those 20-30 changes collect dust in a file that I will soon release into open source.
That precision sheet metal shop sabotaged me. They employed a technique which the corporate-public partnership mecca knows all too well. They stonewalled me. You see, they had a corporate partner who knew about me. A corporation that knew we were going to turn the industry upside down, being about 10 years ahead of everyone else in concept. Back then we were just emerging from the beige box. All praise, honor, and glory belongs to the Most High.
So they stonewalled us, as our designers had stonewalled us, as our engineers had stonewalled us, as the publications I drove to California to present to would not publish my work, but were perfectly willing to clone it. I remember the entire PC Gamer floor gathered around the NightHawk when I brought it in. They asked to hold it a bit longer, took pictures of it from every angle you could imagine, and said ‘better luck next time, kid, this is not professional enough for our publication.’ Stonewalled, cloned, and placed under the fold.

Now this placed a great deal of debt on me. I didn’t believe in myself at the time. I didn’t know about the strategies these corporate public partnerships employed to do the dirty work. Now I do.
I did not feel called to build the NightHawk. I was stubborn and did it anyways. I took the $90k from the sale of my first house and sank $30k into debt. Additionally, a ‘reputation management’ company masquerading as an SEO firm stole a large sum of money. This is how I learned about reputation management. The corporations defeated my greenhorn ass.
But God took me from my wayward path. He used this opportunity to teach me design, metal, and how to overcome sabotage and censorship. He took broken me and my wayward self and turned it into optimal me. The work I will create is what excites me, as I know I can build anything I want. Even cars, boats, and airplanes….
Keep going! Trust in God. The rest is French bread."


"(see preceding post)

This year Colorado wants about $6,000 in sales tax for the company StealthMachines. That’s funny because the tax year they are going after I doubt if I managed to gross that much that year, much less sales tax for the state I was in (we usually only ship outside the state, no state sales tax!). This happened the year before as well and they pulled a similarly tyrannical amount quietly from my PERSONAL bank account (being a personal account separate from the business, isn’t that illegal?). This year, they only managed to steal ~$58, that’s all that was left in my business account after last year’s pillaging of my personal account.

I was forced to dissolve StealthMachines in Colorado recently, being politically targeted at the state, county, municipal, mafia and corporate levels we simply moved states. The three letter orgs cannot be run from, as we have discovered. We are quite tired of changing our locks and setting up cameras for our protection while this is not our natural state. For the reader’s knowledge, if an encrypted camera on battery backup mysteriously powers down when you’re not home while the locks change states of their own volition, let that be your clue.

The state wrote me a letter saying if I dissolved they would leave me alone. This did not stop the highway robbery, and my StealthMachines bank account IN ANOTHER STATE was forcefully withdrawn to zero, not a penny left for survival or business expenses, or really anything, by the state. Being in another state and given their promise of leaving me alone if I dissolved, isn’t this illegal?

I don’t have to open my books for them per the 4th/5th amendments (though they can just make up numbers to railroad a judgement sans trial, isn’t that illegal?) but for posterity I have just opened them to you - that math doesn’t work! ~$6,000 taxes on ~$6,000 gross is not only unsustainable for me, it’s evil. I am a political target, or if this is systemic I am just another target of Jenna Griswold and her vast organization of friends? Is the deep state going broke, or are they just greedy? A canary indicator of what’s to come for all of you when this machine needs more blood from the turnip, my beloved constituents? See preceding post.

StealthMachines turns 20 years old in January. I wanted to make sure we made it to 20 years, but the state might be reaching their tentacles too deep into my private business beyond that. Fellow business owners might understand my grief, though small beside the other many onslaughts upon my innocent family?

I’ve been whistleblowing about my experiences / discoveries in Teller County, Park County, and surrounding areas for a long time as I think also relates to my experiences at the state level and even my troubles dealing with being sabotaged by the banks, power companies, and mafia, who are part of this mess. The tyrants of old passed down their age-old traditions to the techno tyrants. Why does a body suppose I have dedicated much of my life at this point to crypto and to overcoming financial censorship? Might it be because I don’t want what happened to me to happen to you?

Is RICO too small a word for an equation of this complexity (see preceding posts)? And what chance has one man against this? What strategy a small David must employ against Goliath? Is it one chop with a big axe, or many maneuverings with the small axe? I do not condone violence outside of lawful self defense. Realizing full well you, the reader, are the first I must convince having nobody else to rely upon, it is my profound hope that you can learn from me when this might happen to you. Greater a task to convince you of my truths at this time than to just get started with the little axe.


There is no choice but to get started (lawfully beside their corruption) if you want this evil gone, it matters not the odds. We must together “splinter (this) into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds" (JFK). There is no future living with this monster in the closet, I implore you do realize. God bless."

"Seen it for myself, and it’s only getting worse. The small business was the canary in the coal mine. eBay banned me yesterday! I’ve been on eBay since I was 15! Facebook banned my primary account FOREVER last month. PayPal and friends banned my business from credit card transactions years ago! Not to mention Google has long since kept my businesses below the fold.


Social credit is financial and social censorship. Big Tech and the Cabal have got to go!"

StealthMachines Computer Now Accepts CHG!Charg (CHG)Dec 2018 - Ever wanted a luxurious gaming PC or workstation? Well now you can buy one using Charg Coin ( CHG ) as your payment meth…

How does StealthMachines Tie into Electric Airplanes?Use Cases
spacex-elon musk’s-------------🔥🐲🐉#spacex #elonmusk #newspace #newspacerace #space #spacenews #rockets #rocketscience #dragonv2 #dragoncrew #falcon9 #spacexrocket #spacexfalcon9 #spacexcrewdragon

This happens to a lot of my work’s proceeds, actually. The above link referencing Elon Musk had 972k views and now it’s wiped. Why was it wiped? You have to learn to be careful and back up everything if you are in the anti-censorship business, even stuff that has lots of views sometimes. Homelabs and protocols (both active and passive) which are inherently anti-censorship are critical in the coming age of anti-censorship. Assume the WaybackMachine is compromised, and build your own.

Happening in the UK and the US? Elsewhere? Yes. Globalism bad. What is a roll-out?